New Satellite Technology from from SkyFi Enables Worldwide Internet Access Anywhere, Anytime
Israeli startup, SkyFi, unveiled new technology at the Microsoft Think Next event in Tel Aviv today that can bring the web everywhere and connect people across the world.
SkyFi’s innovation revolves around a flexible sub-reflector that compensates for any reflector shape imperfections. This does away with expensive, poor performing satellites by enabling a nano satellite to be sent into space with a 55cm diameter antenna folded up, greatly reducing launch load and costs. Once in orbit, the satellite’s antenna expands and the proprietary flexible sub-reflector enhances transmitting precision and power by as much as 500x.
Putting 60 such satellites into space using SkyFi technology would bring internet connectivity to the entire globe and would be less expensive than the current cost of putting one satellite into space.
Such a constellation of satellites would enable 1 gigabit per second communication bandwidth from anywhere on the planet. Moreover, SkyFi’s technology allows satellite owners to change the pattern of coverage on Earth while a satellite is in orbit, something that has not been possible to date.
“The high flexibility of our nano satellites and the ability to provide multiple services to different customers enables us to offer free internet access to the whole planet in the same manner as GPS services are free. We think this has the potential to bridge great divides and give everyone worldwide a part in the great global connected community,” said Raz Itzhaki Tamir, Co-Founder and CEO of SkyFi.
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